dinsdag 17 april 2012


Okay, here I am again. I noticed no-one is reading this blog, but I continue anyway. It's not daily any more, because I have other things to do too.
This last week I've not been quite well. My body ached a lot because of Fibromyalgie. I don't know if you know what this means, but in short it means your muscles ache almost all of the time. Especially when you've been too active. This is why I didn't write on this blog.
But now I come to Socrates... Every day I write on my own internet site about the daily oneliner. Today it was Socrates' turn. 'Wisdom start with admiration.' (on the picture you see the Dutch translation)

When I started to read some more about Socrates I read another wisdom, or what you want to call it. It says that you only can know things when you know yourself.

When I was young, very young, and people talked about things I didn't know I wondered how they knew those things. I thought when babies were born they were born with information, if you know what I mean. So I felt very stupid not knowing what they were talking about and how they got that kind of information. Were they born with more information than I was? Was I stupid??? No! Socrates says that kind of information people talk about they've heard from someone else or seen from someone. So this kind of information he call fake-info. It's not to be said the info isn't true, but they only recite someone else. It was something they remembered.
I was relieved to read this, but I'm still looking for my true self. And when I find my true self I have the wisdom. It's a life long search, but it's worth it. Don't you think? It's a difficult search and you'll get hurt along the way too and make mistakes. But mistakes are there to learn. It's not possible to never make a mistake in your life. I've made a lot of mistakes and learned. A few of those mistakes are in relations with men. But after those terrible mistakes, I think I was blind and deaf at that time, I've made progress and finally got married to a great man. Of course we argue every now and then, but that's life too.
I want to thank Socrates with his wise words, although I didn't get into his oneliner for today, it made me curious about him and his thoughts... It made me a wiser woman, a woman in search of her true self. I still have a long way to go.

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