woensdag 4 april 2012

My first blog...

Hello everybody!
This is my first blog on this site. I'm a Dutch woman trying to find herself through everything she gets on her way. And it's not easy if I may say so myself. It's even a little bit more difficult writing everything down in English, but I can always use a dictonary if I'm lost for English words. I simply translate them hoping they will make sense...
So pardon me if I make some mistakes, I'm only Dutch searching for a right way of expressing myself in English. Bla bla bla. I know, I'm brabbeling (is that a right word?I couldn't find it in my online dictonary, but I think you will understand it. Won't you?)

Well, what I'm going to write on this blog are my day to day things. Not very interesting you may think, but maybe you're wrong and it may get interesting. (I do hope so myself! That may mean I will have an interesting life... ) Let's see what will happen during the first few days, weeks or months... It depends on how frequently I will write.

For tonight I will see, nighty night (I think I'm going to bed in about a half hour or so...) Tomorrow I will be back introducing myself a little bit more.

Love, Erica

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