woensdag 2 mei 2012


I don't know if you ever heard about Queensday in Holland? At that day Holland turns orange, every ones dressed in orange, every one is in the streets. People selling a lot of rubbish in parks and on the streets. No, it's not only in Amsterdam, you know our capital, it's all over Holland or should I say The Netherlands. Because Holland is an area/ a state in The Netherlands, so the name Holland isn't for the whole country, as small as it is.
Queensday is celebrated at april 30 and it's not the birthday of our current queen but of her mother, Queen Juliana. Queen Beatrix, our current queen (not knowing for how long, because she's getting some what older) wanted to honour her mother by celebrating her birthday every year...

Not only do the people dress up in orange and sell all their rubbish, there also are a lot of bands playing in different cities. We've seen '100% katoen', it's a coverband and they were really great! There were more bands, but what I like most of Queensday is to watch people. Just sitting, having a drink and comment on all the people passing by.
There really was a crowd during that day and even cars wanted to drive through them going to their homes in the centre of the city. I think it taken them quite a while before reaching their homes. Okay, this picture isn't really clear, but I think you get a picture of how many people there were...
How stupid some people are by driving in the centre during Queensday. I think those people are really thick headed (or how to you call it?).

Anyhow, we had a really great day and the sun was even shining on that day. The days before were rainy and cold, but Queensday was sunny and warm. Almost every year we have a sunny Queensday. Thanks to the weather Gods...

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