donderdag 10 mei 2012


Chocolate is the best remedy for stress or should I say it's an anti-stress medication...

On this picture you see a oneliner of a Dutch actress and column writer. It says: 'Chocolate is happiness. I will never sacrifice happiness to weigh one pound less.' Well, this proofs chocolate is good for you. It makes you happy even though you might gain weight. Just don't eat too much of it...

But, happiness, let's talk about happiness. Happiness for me, let's think... Happiness to me is when I have a day without pain and I can create some art or write a great story and people react to my work. Not only good reactions, but even comments are welcome. Just so I know I'm seen, or better, my work is seen.
I'm also happy when people around me are happy. When you smile it's easier for another to smile too. That's what I do on my round delivering the mail. Last friday was very difficult for me to smile on this round, because my pain was too much. With tears in my eyes I delivered the mail and when I greeted a person I tried to smile and hide my tears. I  was so relieved after my second round when I was home and started crying. Crying because of the pain, crying because I couldn't stop the pain, crying because I was alone at that time. Really, I was a wreck...  But, then I picked myself up again and had a shower to wash away some of the pain.
The rest of the day was hectic, because we had to welcome a friend home from Kunduz. She's in the military and was over there for seven months. But now she's back and we had a drink or two to celebrate her homecoming. We laughed a lot, but I was still in pain. The next day would be even worse...

I've survived everything, but now again I'm suffering a great deal of pain because of the weather. It's been rainy all week long, but today it warm outside. Okay, there's still rain and that's why I'm in pain.

No worries, I'm still alive and planning on doing so for a long, long time!

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